How long does it take to improve Vietnamese skill from speaking few limited vocabulary to expressing opinion? For me, this phase took me around 6 months.

In the beginning of 2018, I decided to move to Hanoi and attend a small group of Vietnamese course. 3 classes a week, each class is 2.5 hours. I found this is helpful because the course made me get in touch of the series of Đại Học Quốc Gia Hà Nội, which is designed for non-native speaker with organized learning steps.

Vietnamese beginner textbook
The series of Đại Học Quốc Gia Hà Nội, which designed for non-native speaker

The series of Đại Học Quốc Gia Hà Nội contains 4 textbooks and 1 grammar book:


  • [textbook 1] Level A, (trình độ A - tập 1)
  • [textbook 2] Level A, (trình độ A - tập 1)
  • [textbook 3] Level B
  • [textbook 4] Level C

Grammar book:

  • A Concise Vietnamese Grammar

Compare with my first book (我的第一本越南語課本), this series provides more exercise for reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills. And the content more focus on Vietnam and Hanoi. Like Hồ Gươm, Phố cổ Hội An, Vietnamese food, weather in Vietnam, and the most popular sport in Vietnam...

However, as I follow the the series of Đại Học Quốc Gia Hà Nội, I found the degree of difficulty is increasing very fast. When I studied over 70% of the first book, it began to take a lot of time to continue the progress. I guess the reason is I haven’t master the vocabulary I’ve learnt before. After realizing this point, I began to study the the series of Viện Phát Triển Ngôn Ngữ.

Vietnamese beginner textbook
The series of Viện Phát Triển Ngôn Ngữ, which also designed for non-native speaker


book1: 9786046294610

book2: 9786046276043

book3: 9786046249207

book4: 9786046206026

The Viện Phát Triển Ngôn Ngữ series contains 5 textbooks:

  • [textbook 1] PreElementary
  • [textbook 2] UpperElementary
  • [textbook 3] PreIntermediate
  • [textbook 4] UpperIntermediate
  • [textbook 5] Advance

This series designs more exercise than the previous series, and help me master vocabulary deeply. So I studied two series at the same. It soon became very helpful. The learning speed is increased. At the end of 6 months, I finished 6.5 books (textbook 1, 2, and grammar book of the series of Đại Học Quốc Gia Hà Nội + textbook 1, 2, 3, and half of 4 of the series of Viện Phát Triển Ngôn Ngữ. Therefore, I am able to go out with Vietnamese friends and talk some topics about family, jobs, hobby.