Whenever got a receipt from a shop or supermarket, would you read the content of it? As a foreigner, reading a Vietnamese receipt might have a bit effort. But in fact, it is very easy. Let's learn how to read it by using a sample receipt from VinCommerce. 🤗

# The Layout

vietnamese receipt layout

The left side is the original receipt, and the right side is its layout. We can divide it into four parts:

  1. Seller information
  2. Receipt meta
  3. Item list
  4. Blance

# Part 1: Seller information

vietnamese receipt seller info

  • The left side is the shop's brand name and its logo.
  • The Right side is its contact information. Address and phone number.
  • VinCommerce belongs to VinGroup, the biggest enterprise in Vietnam.

# Part 2: Receipt meta

vietnamese receipt meta

  • HÓA ĐƠN BÁN HÀNG: bill of sale
  • Ngày bán: selling date
  • Quầy: the number of checkout counter

# Part 3: Item list

vietnamese receipt item list

  • Mặt hàng: item
  • Đơn giá: unit price
  • SL: quantity
  • T.Tiền: subtotal

For example, the first line address 15 packs item (peanut product), each one cost $5,000 VND, subtotal is $75,000 VND

Đậu phộng vị nước cốt dừa = Peanut flavored coconut milk

# Part 4: Blance

vietnamese receipt blance

  • TỔNG TIỀN PHẢI T.TOÁN: total price for calculating
  • TỔNG TIỀN ĐÃ GIẢM: discount included
  • TIỀN KHÁCH TRẢ: the payment from customer
  • TIỀN MẶT: pay by cash
  • TIỂN TRẢ LẠI: the money should return
  • Giá đã bao gồm thuế GTGT: the price is tax included

# To sum up

By reading this receipt, I can quickly understand some key points:

  • Time: the trade is happen at pm 14:11 on March 15th in 2019
  • Location: the trade is happen at VinMart Thang Long, Cầu Giấy district, Hà Nội
  • Transaction amount: the customer paid cash $500,000 VND, and the cashier return $200,000 VND.
